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Academia was one of the most significantly impacted and forced to transform during the COVID-19 crisis. Worldwide lockdowns forced educational institutions to rapidly adapt their delivery model to a remote, online-only solution while ensuring minimal disruption to studies. It became evident the size and demand of this undertaking was more pressing than originally thought for most institutions; most did not have the expertise for a smooth transition. Many institutes, initially ill-equipped with the appropriate learning tools and technology, suffered a significant negative impact at the outset but have since begun recovery through the reimagination of existing physical models.

We work with universities to streamline workflows that align with the innovative direction the industry is taking. Change management plays a major role in mitigating disruption and leading in the adoption of new technology, processes, and job responsibility realignment.

We serve education institutions and systems around the world. Our goal is to improve education for all, so that society can reap the benefits of a more prosperous economy and more equal opportunity.

We do this by providing hands-on support to our clients to better understand their toughest challenges. We work with higher education stakeholders to reimagine the future by designing and implementing strategies that improve student outcomes and enable a more cost-effective environment. By working with us, education institutions can tap into our wealth of experience and expertise to achieve their goals.